"The earth is speaking to us, but we can’t hear because of all the racket our senses are making. Sometimes we need to erase them, erase our senses. Then–maybe–the earth will touch us. The universe will speak. The stars will whisper."
~This quote reveals Stargirl's feelings towards humans and the earth.She's saying that the earth has its own way of communicating with us but us humans don't realize that or even notice it beacuse of what may be going on in our surroundings (Lives).So she says that we sometimes need to just sit down and just think about what is going on in our lives and to not let that interfer with what we need to do.And probably the day we do that we will understand what the earth is telling us and we will be more open minded to what's going on in the world.~
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
...StarGirl... (Third Book)

13 going on to 30 ... Reflection..
Well i really enjoyed reading this book. Like i actually wanted to read it and find out what would happen. After i finished reading the book i felt an admiration towards it. I found the main character of this book really interesting. Her name was Jenna. She was just a typical girl that went to school and wanted to be one the cool kids. So when her birthday party came along she took that as one of her advantages to invite the coolest kids in her school. But the cool kids took advantage of her invatation because they knew that she would do anything to have them at her 13 birthday party. Jenna agreed to do a school project for them so that they would attend her birthday party. Max her bestfriend gave her wishing dust and a built dream house that he had made with his own hands for her.When the cool kids from her school arrived to her party she was so happy. But they tricked her by saying that they were going to play seven minutes in heaven n she was like ohh woow. She was put in a closet but when she came out there was no one there only her friend Max so she thought Max had done something to make them leave. But Max didn't do anything the cool kids had taken advantage of her just to only get there school project done. Jenna was so upset and she was crying like crazy and saying i want to be thirty, flirty, and thriving. while she kept on repeating that some of the wishing dust Max had given her fell on her.The next day she woke up as a 30 year old and sahe was super shocked and surprised. But in the end the same wishing dust that had turned her 30 was the same wishing dust that had brought her back her life of being a 13 year old girl.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
...Internet on Everest... (Webquest links)
#1. http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/10/28/us-nepal-everest-internet-idUSTRE69R2X420101028
#2. http://newsfeed.time.com/2010/10/31/high-speed-internet-debuts-atop-mount-everest/
#3. http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/29/mount-everest-now-wired-for-internet-ready-for-starbucks/
#4. http://summitmurderseries.blogspot.com/2011/03/wifi-on-mount-everest.html
#5. http://www.myfoxny.com/dpps/news/internet-reception-reaches-summit-of-mount-everest-dpgonc-20101029-fc_10354966
#2. http://newsfeed.time.com/2010/10/31/high-speed-internet-debuts-atop-mount-everest/
#3. http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/29/mount-everest-now-wired-for-internet-ready-for-starbucks/
#4. http://summitmurderseries.blogspot.com/2011/03/wifi-on-mount-everest.html
#5. http://www.myfoxny.com/dpps/news/internet-reception-reaches-summit-of-mount-everest-dpgonc-20101029-fc_10354966
Friday, March 4, 2011
...13 going on to 30...
My second independent reading book is called 13 going on to 30 by Christa Roberts. I am reading this book because it caught my attencion. It caught my attencion because of the title of it. In fact this book is a very interesting book. It is about a girl named Jenna and it was her 13 birthday and she invited the coolest people in her school and the coolest people in the school took advantage of it and told Jenna that they would go but they had to do a school project. So because Jenna really wanted them to go to her party she told them that she would do there school project so the cool kids took advantage of that. At the party they tricked Jenna and they left right after she gave them the school project Jenna felt really sad and disappointed and she kept on repeating i want to be thirty, flirty, and thriving then some of her wishing dust fell on top of her head and the next morning she was thirty and she was in shock and very confused. She went from being 13 to 30 in one day.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Well the highlights (good things) about reading this school year are that i learned new things by reading different types of books this school year. Also i learned new words and now i read more often then i use to.I also have a really good time reading some types of books. Well i dnt have a good time reading all the books ive read only sertain types of books and i actually enjoy reading the really interesting good books that are out there waiting to be read (: i also in a way get relaxed. Like theres highlights in reading books there are also lowlights (bad things) about reading a book. For examlpe if the book you are reading is pretty boring then that would make you not even wanna read it rite haha thats how i am. Also i can get pretty lazy when it comes to reading because i dnt really like reading. I guess that would be it for now. (:
Friday, January 7, 2011
What i read about over my Winter Break ...
Well it may sound pretty wierd but over my winter break i read about the different types of straighteners there are to figure out what straightener brand would be best. I read about straighteners because my straightener broke down so im hoping to buy a new one soon. So i researched what type of straightener would be best to purchase because i want the straightener that im going to buy to last and not to break down on me. So yea i figured out already what straightener i wanna buy and im getting to that just need a couple of bucks and then i can go buy it. So this is one of the things that i read about over my winter break (:
My Winter Break ...
Well my winter break was pretty good i liked it. I got to spend time with my family and learn more about them and i actually did. On chrismas eve i had alot of fun with my family i got presents and ate alot of yummy food (: On New Years me and family partied haha had lots of fun that day. I got to make my new years resolutions and i hope i can acheive them this new year. Well thats about it for now (:
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